Get Instagram Followers And Likes Easily

Instagram is an American based, social networking application. It works on video and picture sharing, which generates traffic. Some of the basic features of Instagram included tagging other users, location sharing, chatting personally with other users, and sending posts directly in their chat boxes. Other newly launched features on Instagram include 24-hour story sharing, pre-recorded music videos, and interactive stickers for stories. Click Fameoninsta for more info

Most Liked And Followed Instagram Accounts

Instagram likes and followers is something these personalities never fall short of. Cristiano Ronaldo and Ariana Grande are among such Instagram users. Below is the list of top 10 Instagram account followed by people and what they are for.

  • Instagram-social networking account
  • Cristiano Ronaldo-football celebrity account
  • Ariana Grande- musician and actress
  • Dwayne Johnson- actor and professional wrestler
  • Kylie Jenner- model, actor, and businesswoman
  • Selena Gomez- actress, singer, and businesswoman
  • Kim Kardashian- model and businesswoman
  • Lionel Messi- footballer
  • Beyonce- musician
  • Justin Beiber- musician

These accounts are the most followed, and some of them even get paid to put up posts.

How To Increase Your Instagram Likes And Followers

The following are some tips that can help you to get Instagram followers withFamoid

  • Hashtagging – the hashtag is a sorting mechanism Instagram has built for itself. All the posts with the same hashtags in their caption are found under one search through that hashtag. Using popular hashtags is an obvious way to let your posts reach more people. But the more creative you get with your hashtags, the more likely it is for people to remember your posts.
  • Cross is promoting– if you have a dedicated hashtag for your brand, promote it on others, especially offline media. Printing the hashtag on your product or packaging might be a good idea for some categories of brands.
  • Participate– using the most popular hashtags is a way of participating in the important conversations going on. If not through hashtags, you can even participate by dedicating an entire post to that cause or topic.
  • Using Instagram given platforms– so this is a cheat code that might help you grow your page. When you use interactive things Instagram launches, while it’s still new, the web automatically pushes your post above the other ones who have not used the new feature. So using reels, stories, live, or interactive stickers are your new hack.
  • Bio– maintaining your bio is a must for professional Instagram accounts. There is a hyperlink option in the bio that lets other users directly go to your website or anywhere else you want to divert them. There optimal usage of this URL feature is therefore very important.
  • Captions– one hack that many accounts use is creative storytelling through captions. People would like to read about what you want to portray through that picture you are sharing. Afterall everyone’s interpretation of visual creativity is different.
  • Maintain the feed– simple things to maintain your feed, like coordinating the colors, deciding on a filter, and keeping the same for every post or just maintaining our feed’s vibe goes a long way to attract followers.

Besides these things, keep producing organic content and posting regularly to increase your Instagram likes and followers.